Dermal fillers
Dermal fillers are an injectable product specifically to fill out lines and wrinkles of the face that are caused by the effects of ageing. Our patients love the filler results that give them a natural lift and fullness to their face that makes them look fresher and younger.
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Anti - wrinkle injections
Injectable anti-wrinkle treatments are a quick and convenient way to smooth out those lines on the forehead and around the eyes and mouth without any need for surgery. Tiny amounts of botulinum toxin are injected into specific skin points to relax fine dynamic facial muscles so that the overlying skin appears smoother.
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PDO Threadlift/ Rejuvenation
PDO rejuvenation threads are a great option for those looking to rejuvenate the skin and restore lost facial volume. The rejuvenation thread once inserted increases natural collagen production, reduces skin stress and slows down the ageing process with some results seen almost immediately. Maximum results will peak at around 4-6 months and are expected to last up to 18 months.
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